Hearing Testing For Adults

At EarAid you will receive a comprehensive hearing test so that you have a complete understanding of your hearing thresholds.

Why should I have my hearing tested?

Hearing tests are conducted for various reasons during adulthood.
Hearing loss due to noise exposure is common to musicians, construction workers, or anyone exposed to loud noise for long periods of time. A hearing test can help detect any deterioration in hearing for these people.
Hearing loss due to aging, known as presbycusis, is extremely common and can lead to many social and psychological issues. Having one’s hearing tested will help diagnose this type of hearing loss.

How long is a hearing test & what is involved?

A typical hearing test for an adult requires approximately 30 minutes.
A standard hearing test consists of three components, a pure tone audiogram, a bone conduction test, and a tympanometric assessment.
During pure tone testing, the clinician will present a pure tone stimulus at different intensities to measure the faintest sound a person can detect. The response is recorded across a number of frequencies. The resulting graph is known as an audiogram. Learn how to interpret an audiogram.
The bone conduction test evaluates how well sound travels through the bones of the skull to reach the inner ear, bypassing the outer and middle ear. This test helps to differentiate between sensorineural hearing loss (due to inner ear or nerve problems) and conductive hearing loss (caused by blockages or issues in the outer or middle ear).
A tympanometric assessment measures the middle ear volume and the mobility of the eardrum. A flat tympanometric result can signify a punctured eardrum or fluid build-up behind the eardrum.

Who can have their hearing tested?

EarAid Hearing Centre provides hearing tests for adults (19 years and above). Please call (416) 573 7745 to find out more.

Hearing Test Near Me

Our hearing test lets you quickly learn more about your hearing. If you are affected by hearing loss you may consult with our hearing professionals on how hearing aids can help improve your hearing.

Read: 5 warning signs showing you need a hearing test

Read: Hearing loss may be a risk factor for dementia

We offer free hearing testing for seniors (65+). Call us for more information.

You are in safe hands at EarAid

Accurate assessment of your hearing is what we specialize in. Call us to schedule your hearing test today.


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